Vol. 86 No. 1, 2024.

  • Datum izdavanja: 25.04.2024.

Sadržaj/ Contents

Izvorni znanstveni članak/ Original scientific paper


Uzgoj soje (Glycine max L.) i proizvodnja agropeleta (str. 3-13)

Soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivation and agro pellet production (str. 3-13)

Irena Rapčan, T. Jakšić, Josip Damjan, Denis Ćosić, Đurđica Kovačić

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Izvorni znanstveni članak/ Original scientific paper


Utjecaj predtretmana magnetnim poljem na klijavost sjemena bijele djeteline (Trifolium repens L.) (str. 15-24)

Influence of magnetic field pretreatment on germination of white clover seeds (Trifolium repens L.) (str. 15-24)

Saša Bačić, Gordana Bukvić, Sonja Grljušić, Larisa Bertić, Lara Ergović, Goran Herman

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Stručni rad/ Professional paper


Eterična ulja kao antimikrobna sredstva u prehrambenoj i kozmetičkoj industriji, farmaciji i poljoprivredi (str. 25-50)

Essential oils as antimicrobial agents in the food and cosmetics industry, pharmacy and agriculture (str. 25-50)

Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka, Martina Grdiša, Luna Maslov Bandić, Irina Tanuwidjaja

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Stručni rad/ Professional paper


Klijavost sjemenki motra (Crithmum maritimum L.) i razlozi za mogući uzgoj (str. 51-65)

Germination of sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) seeds and reasons for possible cultivation (str. 51-66)

Damir Viličić, Marko Petek

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