Vol. 84 No. 4-5, 2022.
- Datum izdavanja: 31.05.2023.
Sadržaj/ Table of contents
Izvorni znanstveni članak/ Original scientific paper
Turistička valorizacija prirodne baštine Parka prirode Hutovo blato (str. 171-196)
Touristic valorisation of the natural heritage of Hutovo blato Nature Park (str. 171-196)
Anđelko Vrsaljko
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Pregledni rad/ Review article
The role of silicon (Si) in increasing drought tolerance in wheat (str. 197-206)
Uloga silicija (Si) u povećanju otpornosti pšenice na sušu (str. 197-205)
Jurica Duvnjak, Valentina Španić
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Pregledni rad/ Review article
Brodovi za transport hlađenih poljoprivredno – prehrambenih proizvoda (str. 207-222)
Ships for transportation of refrigerated agricultural – food products (str. 207-222)
Dinko Brčić, Luka Šumanovac, Domagoj Zimmer
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Pregledni rad/ Review article
Vinogradi marijabistričkog kraja i Udruga vinogradara Marija Bistrica (str. 223-235)
Vineyards of the Marija Bistrica region and Marija Bistrica wine growers’ association (str. 223-235)
Željko Vidaček
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Stručni rad/ Professional paper
Uporabna vrijednost i uzgojni potencijal smrdljike (Pistacia terebinthus L.) (str. 237-256)
Use value and breeding potential of terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus L.) (str. 237-256)
Nina Jeran, Martina Grdiša, Tamara Raguž, Frane Strikić, Filip Varga, Tatjana Klepo
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